Auditory Processing Disorder Testing

It is recommended that audiologists use established, reliable tests with both verbal and non-verbal stimuli that assess different auditory processes. Auditory Processing Disorder Tests are often broken down into four categories. The categories are 1) DICHOTIC LISTENING for binaural integration and separation, 2) TEMPORAL PROCESSING for auditory pattern temporal ordering-APTO and temporal resolution), 3) MONAURAL LOW-REDUNDANCY (monaural separation closure-MSC), and 4) BINAURAL INTERACTION. Auditec sells tests for each of these categories.

DICHOTIC LISTENINGPediatric Speech Intelligibility (ages 3-6); Competing Sentences (ages 5 and up); Dichotic Digits (ages 7 and up); Synthetic Sentence Identification-Contralateral Competing Message (ages 11 and up)

TEMPORAL TESTS: Random Gap Detection Test (non-verbal stimuli for ages 5 and up); Gaps In Noise (non-verbal stimuli for ages 7 and up); Pitch Pattern (non-verbal stimuli for ages 8 and up); Duration Pattern Sequence (non-verbal stimuli for ages 11 and up)

MONAURAL LOW-REDUNDANCY: Pediatric Speech Intelligibility (ages 3-6); Time Compressed Sentence Test (ages 6 and up); Time Compressed Word Lists (ages 11 and up); Low Pass Filtered Tests (ages 11 and up); Synthetic Sentence Identification – Ipsilateral Competing Message (ages 11 and up)

BINAURAL INTERACTION: Spondee Binaural Fusion (appropriate for children and adults); Rapid Alternating Speech (appropriate for children and adults); Masking Level Difference (appropriate for children and adults)

cUSTOMAuditec allows audiologists to design their own custom auditory processing disorder battery with any of the above tests. You can determine which tests will be used to examine based on your patient’s needs and age range. Once you have compiled a list of your test selections, email it along with your state/country to for an exact quote with ordering instructions.

You can receive several popular tests at a discounted price by selecting the APD Battery. The APD Battery (CD170-9) includes Gaps In Noise (GIN), Random Gap Detection Test-Standard (RGDT), Pitch (Frequency) Pattern Sequence – Musiek Version, Duration Pattern Sequence – Musiek Version, and Masking Level Difference-Tones.

I hope this information is helpful to you as you determine which auditory processing tests are right for you for your patients. If you want to learn more about auditory processing disorder assessment, Auditec recommends a book by Teri James called Assessment & Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders (available on Amazon). You may also find these links helpful:

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